Writing is the Foundation of Student Success

IntelliWriter, the most advanced writing mastery tool, powered by artificial intelligence, helps students significantly improve the quality of their writing.

How IntelliWriter Works

Immediate writing support

IntelliWriter is a virtual writing coach designed to help students improve their writing in real time across multiple disciplines and languages. Powered by artificial intelligence, IntelliWriter provides immediate feedback and adaptive revision directives.

Your Complete Writing Solution

IntelliWriter is used by millions of students internationally to improve their writing. Our partners report an average improvement in student writing of a full letter grade in a single term.

IntelliWriter provides students with in-text revision directives aligned with extant academic standards of grammar, mechanics, and style. IntelliWriter is the only virtual writing support tool powered by IntelliMetric®, the industry’s most advanced automated essay scoring engine. IntelliMetric® provides students with evaluation and subsequent insight into distinct domains of writing including Organization, Style, Focus, and Content.    

The feedback provided by IntelliWriter can be converted into nine different languages making it a powerful support tool for ESL students.

Writing instruction is delivered across a wide variety of subjects. Whether a student is a Nursing or Humanities major, IntelliWriter provides the guidance needed for virtually any writing assignment.

IntelliWriter analyzes student writing data via our companion technology, WriteVue, enabling administrators to monitor student writing data at scale with the ability to filter by department, course, or student.

IntelliWriter Features

Immediate Grammar, Mechanics and Stylistic Feedback

IntelliWriter identifies errors and explains why a revision is being suggested.

Multi-Lingual Feedback

The feedback delivered can be converted into 9 different languages

AI Feedback Aligned to the Domains of Writing

IntelliWriter provides immediate multi-domain feedback for students and faculty.

Plagiarism Detection

Cite.ai ensures originality and authenticity of their work. The Originality report will indicate sources identified from the web or from the institution’s database.

Virtual Collaboration

Students can collaborate virtually with peers, faculty, and tutors in real time.

Cross-Curricular Writing Instruction

IntelliWriter can be used in any course where writing is required.

What faculty say about IntelliWriter

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